Sunday, August 1, 2010

christiane amanpour

christiane amanpour

Christiane Amanpour joined the company of the Sunday political talk hosts.Amanpour took the role of "The Week" Sunday, replacing George Stephanopoulos of competing NBC show "Meet the Press" CBS "Face the Nation" and "Fox News Sunday."He looked comfortable and aggressive in it in the new situation.The guest on his show, former chairman of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Minister for Defence Robert Gates. Both interviews pretaped - a double departure from the usual nature of the live show on Sunday.But this format is the most hours stuck closely to the past.In the second half consisted of the traditional round-table analysis of three familiar faces: the journalist George Will, political strategist Donna Brazil, and economist Paul Krugman, and the Pakistani journalist and Taliban expert Ahmed Rashid, Madrid.

Amanpour, 52 years old Iranian-born journalist who specializes in international stories, ABC hiring was a surprise after spending a quarter of a century of CNN. He was one of the most famous personality of CNN reports that are hard, war zones and other trouble spots.He was given a high profile as the top international correspondent for CNN in the days when only a cable News Network, reporting on conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, the Balkans and elsewhere.Since moving to New York a few years ago, her husband, former U.S. State Department spokesman, James Rubin, Amanpour said much less airtime. He hosted a daily program of the CNN International network, which highlights the home network, every Sunday on CNN.

Since he was a shooting in March, ABC announced Amanpour expressed his hope for a more comprehensive approach to their domestic market, many Washington-centric "this week." She plans to commute to her new job in a house in New York, with his credibility in Washington outsider seals.Amanpour chosen as "the Week" on ABC-house candidates, including Terry Moran and Jake threading. Former ABC "Nightline" anchor Ted Koppel reports that into account.Tapping should be completed in the interim host since January. Seven years after 'The Week' to Stephanopoulos on the ABC Good Morning America, "read by Diane Sawyer in December, the network of" World News Tonight "Charles Gibson will retire at anchor.Then, as "the Week" in the second place in the ratings behind "Meet the Press," according to Nielsen Co. But since the departure of Stephanopoulos' program is also beaten in the ratings of "Face the Nation".

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