Saturday, July 17, 2010

inception ending

inception ending

"Initial" fun for your brain, but in a good way.The last mystery film Christopher Nolan, who gave us "The Dark Knight," "The Prestige" and "Memento," "initial" examines what it means to dream and the power of your mind to manipulate and to accept that reality .It is not easy to summarize (you can try to read the review), but the sci-fi elements, rely on the belief that a person can get information from the subconscious of another person. This is done by an invasion of the target dreams and being able to "read" that the person knows that dreamscape. Thus, there is a secret hidden in something that looks like a safe combination or a bank vault in the back of another person.

The danger, of course, the idea that these dreams seem real, and our hero, Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), too much experience in running a fine line and be trapped. "Life is like a dream," not just a line from a nursery rhyme, but the concept is that the philosophers and scientists have played the whole time.Is that the perception of the world is actually a "real" if it is filtered to a slightly incorrect perception? Would there be an argument that what we experience in reality is the reality?What does not ruin the end of the "Inception," for those who have not seen the movie, but suffice it to say that Cobb took part. The film is undoubtedly spark a debate over, and could tell what the person's personality.To open the floor for debate here - with the caveat that the reader, that the debate in the comments are likely to SPOILERY. You've been warned."Initial" currently in theaters in the country.

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