Wednesday, July 28, 2010



The Zedo, an unusual hybrid between a donkey and zebra, raise awareness of the Chestatee Wildlife Reserve in North Georgia were born after about a week ago.The animal, the zebra donkey father and a mother, a prominent black stripes on her legs and face.CW wath, maintenance Dahlonega founder and CEO, said in a zebra foal is instinct. Wath says that he sits, lies on his side but if you remain alert to predators.Asses and zebras are mostly couples, but is occasionally zedonks.Wath said that about two weeks, Zedo start roaming the building to the other animal.The baby animals are not over the zebra crossing. And it's not a donkey. This is a Zedo.

A zebra and a donkey father and mother, the animal clearly in black and white stripes on the legs and the body of a brown-haired donkey.
The eye-catching filly born last Wednesday night at Chestatee Wildlife Preservation in Dahlonega, Georgia, about 60 miles north of Atlanta."She is absolutely beautiful," said Alison Womack, volunteer to maintain, adding that the colt "a fantastic, healthy and doing well. ""I think I'll call her Pippi Longstocking, Pippi Longstocking," said CW wath, founder and CEO of preservation. "Is that what you watch - he had socks on."Zedo, we see the young to preserve the meadow held by his mother until ze mature enough to join the other animals in the 20-acre property.
Zebra-donkey crosses are rare but not unprecedented. The Colt named Alex, offspring of the mother and father in the ass, Zebra was born in Barbados, the 2005th.

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