Wednesday, July 7, 2010

lindsay lohan fingernail

lindsay lohan fingernail

The pension is in prison, it appears Lindsay Lohan is a little something special for him to go to court - to say. The Polish-painted her nails, reports.Says the brochure: "If this is not the first this gem spot, the fact that Lindsay had a little F *** U wrote the angle may be right in the middle yesterday Rechter has lost all of us." was the discovery of writing," Remember the court today, during the probationary period before the sentencing hearing, Lindsay, if she was crying and swearing to the judge that he had changed, and this is not a joke to him - I wonder if it will lead to when you go to prison. "And according to one expert, then clearly serious problems with her conviction, which was three times the amount prosecutors addition to pictures of three separate photo agency - Thomson Reuters, the Associated Press and Getty - who appeared in the words of her left middle fingernail is shown.

Thompson told Reuters the REP by the statement that "the pictures published by Reuters yesterday, Lindsay Lohan has not changed other than the usual low-shaping with the correct color balance and contrast."REP told The Associated Press that after a meeting between the photo editors and an advisory sent to customers that read in part, "EDS NOTE: You foul the left middle fingernail."If you truly Lohan message was against the judge, "this would be a separate contempt charge," says the New York Public Defender Stacy Schneider. "I felt a whole extra hump on top of the current. If the court were angry enough to have been run, even after the other."Los Angeles Public Defender Greg Schneider Apt echoed sentiments that the nail Lohan in "creative" way to ensure that the country's contempt of court."The judge was able to keep him in direct contempt, which may be three to five days in jail vulgarity," if the court has found the words to the Court, Apt said.

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