Thursday, July 22, 2010

youtube 2 days

youtube 2 days

If you have not heard of YouTube "Life In The Day" You still have time to be a part of this unique global experiment. Less than 2 days to go now Though it made a better start, and actually say that the countdown 1 day, 12 hours, 48 minutes and 48 seconds.You may wonder what I'm saying so I'll explain a little bit. On 24 July you can help document a day on the ground. If the link to YouTube you'll find everything you need to be found. The experiment billed as "a historical film event," and it will be produced in the Ridley Scott directed by Kevin MacDonald.

You need to engage people in the YouTube community and the idea of user-generated feature film shot in one day. 24 July should be a number of films capture a part of your life on this day. All of these films will be edited, and the most dramatic and interesting images are then part of the documentary.There is an extra kick if you're lucky to all the images in the final version, it included the band's director and 20 should be selected for the premiere to attend the Sundance Film Festival január 2011th To find out everything you need to know to go to Would you like to participate in the "Life In A Day"? What aspect of your life to film? We would like to really care what your thoughts on this innovative project, so why not send us a note.

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