Tuesday, September 28, 2010

austin american statesman

austin american stateman

The Texas State Board of Education adopted a resolution on Friday announced that it would limit Islamic references to textbooks in Texas, a social conservative board members were warned that they, like the creeping influence in the Middle East in the publishing industry in the nation.The Board approved a one-sided, non-binding resolution urges textbook publishers to limit what the history books printed in the Islamic world, in a 7-5 vote.Critics say it is yet another example of the ideological council seeks to politicize public education in the Lone Star State.Kathy Miller, president of the Texas Freedom Network, which supports freedom of religion, asked why he came to the resolution, when "anti-Muslim rhetoric in this country has reached a fever pitch.""It's hard not to conclude that the resolution on the basis of this misleading, or ignorance of what is in textbooks or on the other hand, the sale is an example of the fear and the political game," said Miss Miller.Future indications that the next generation of social studies texts are not bound to choose the resolution.

The Texas Public Education announced Tanács A resolution adopted on Friday, to limit Islamic references to textbooks in Texas, a social conservative board members were warned to do what is right, the currency for nearly a creeping influence in the publishing industry-East nation.The Board approved the single-stay-A binding resolution urges textbook publishers to limit, What Car History Islamic books to print, 7-5 ONE vote.The critics say that it is a new ideological Example Tanács trying to politicize public education in the Lone Star State.Kathy Miller, president of the Texas Freedom Network, which supports freedom of religion, he asked, was the resolution to why when "anti-Muslim rhetoric in this country achieved in the Laz track.""It is difficult to conclude abstentions, the resolution on the basis of this misleading, or ignorance of what the textbooks, or an Example of fear on the other hand, the sale and the Political Game, Miss Miller says.Jovo signs that the next generation of social studies texts to choose from A to Z of stay requires resolution.

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