Wednesday, September 8, 2010

google instant

google instant

Google unveiled a new instant search products now fully predictive and real-time auto-complete results. For those who do a Google search on the internet for our needs (and a lot of us) that would have ever thought that a walk or Bing Yahoo!, Should allow us googling for the foreseeable future. It's quick, clean, and it works very well.Google is often criticized for not focusing on its core business of search (and the ads are accompanied by that form the basis for Google's billion revenue). This means, of course, progress on the company, because while the search has developed behind the scenes over the past few years, with little visible change for users.

Together, the changes in the layout of the Google search earlier this year, the average consumer can not be more than one million R & D investment to improve Google search. As the real-time video search previews Bing, Instant Search is not surprising.Because this feature is only available in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE8 browser, maybe it will be a nail in the coffin on the IE 6 and 7 Unfortunately, if this is the most effective (mobile) platforms are not supported yet. It seems likely that the mobile Safari, Skyfire and the rear end of support because the other rich features of the Google ecosystem.The main takeaway from the perspective of Google, however, is that all the new whiz-bang features, the truck Bing Yahoo less attractive to users. While Bing and Yahoo individually controlled a relatively small part of the search market, together, they look much more competitive. Instant Search is a good start for a strong recovery of Google's dominance in search. What's next? My money is on mobile, as many questions now come IOS and Android browsers.

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