Thursday, September 2, 2010

oil rig explosion

oil rig explosion

The Gulf of Mexico oil rig blew up on Thursday morning, sending 13 crews scrambling into the water, 92 miles off the coast of Louisiana, the Coast Guard said.The oil around the ship, crew plucked from the water and took them to a nearby platform, Coast Guard Petty Officer Thomas Blue said. Coast Guard helicopters were flying their way to the hospital. One worker suffered minor injuries, "said Blue.The crew have pulled a brightly colored survival known as "Gumby suits" that helped them smoother and more visible.

The explosion reported at 9:19 in another nearby drilling rig. The explosion occurred 92 miles south of Vermilion Bay, LA, east of New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta. It is also about 200 miles west of Deepwater Horizon oil.The rescue operation has helped a fair weather, and the Coast Guard helicopter was able to find work relatively quickly, "said Ben-Iesau. Seven helicopters, two aircraft and four ships were dispatched to the site.White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the platform was not deep water, such as drawing, and blew out in April. He said the water is about 340 feet deep. The rig Deepwater Horizon has taught in the water, about 5,000 feet deep.

Others say, Mariner event, the need for the government's six-month moratorium on deep sea research, which is due to the lift in December, but points out that the shutdown of deep-sea research in the bay, and a lot of shallow water operations, since April."This is a reminder of drilling accidents too often," said Jacqueline Savitz Oceana leadership campaign manager.Mariner's record of safety in the Gulf that the federal fines, largely unnoteworthy. Last year, $ 55,000 fine to the two incidents in the Gulf of Mexico, the Minerals Management Service records indicate the former. One, a $ 20,000 fine as a helicopter platform was out of service because of the fire. Another was fined $ 35,000 after inspectors claimed that the surgery is not an appropriate contingency plans.

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