Thursday, April 22, 2010



Centurytel Qwest Communications International agreed to buy a $ 10600000000 entire stock deal, the company announced Thursday. Centurytel $ 11800000000 debt than Qwest, the transaction is worth about 22.4 billion dollars, one of the largest in the history of telecommunications.Qwest and CentruryTel two largest fixed-line telephone company, the country's combined network assets of about 40 countries. The deal comes on Qwest, which abandoned the wireless efforts years ago, struggling to compete in the other former Baby Bell, AT & T and Verizon Communications.

Although these companies do not compete directly, when the traditional phone service to consumers, to compete in the market for business services.Qwest, which is broadband and phone service to consumers in sparsely populated Western states throughout the years have struggled to compete with cable partners. Like other phone companies focused on building a wireless network, Qwest withdrew its wireless efforts. And while AT & T and Verizon fiber networks can be developed and began offering TV-related services, Qwest has decided to invest heavily in new infrastructure.

All were different, a few years ago. Qwest is also an extensive network of fiber-optic national network, and was a favorite of Wall Street in the 1990s, when the company's value increased to more than $ 60 billionth Then the telecom bubble burst in the late 1990s, and in turn for the worse in Qwest's property. The company was plagued by accounting scandals, and the CEO was forced to resign.To seal the deal, Centurytel shareholders about 50 percent of the new company, Qwest and its shareholders approximately 49.5 percent of the company. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and is expected in the first half of 2011.

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