Wednesday, April 28, 2010

oil spill gulf of mexico 2010

oil spill gulf of mexico 2010

The Gulf of Mexico, the first oil flowed, and Big White in Canada, the Noel project started selling natural gas. BP has announced that Devon Energy to buy assets in Brazil, Azerbaijan and the Gulf of Mexico $ 7 billion. BP Deepwater Horizon will limit the damage in the Gulf of Mexico.

The industry should be a larger part of the legislators, especially those who support offshore drilling rig before the explosion. Florida Governor Charlie Crist apparently reconsidering his support for offshore drilling. Senator Bill Nelson, D-Florida, just last month where a pilot plan for offshore support Obama. But that support is as good as gone. Nelson called for an investigation of drilling and industrial safety practices. Opposition legislators in the coastal states only louder, and perhaps to expand offshore drilling unit is completely derailed when the pollution reaches the earth.

BP aggressive response to date. The oil company sent more than 1,000 people, 32 ships and five aircraft deal with the pollution. BP is spending more than $ 6,000,000 per day, well safe and reduce the impact of the discharge of oil, "said Doug Suttles, Chief Operating Officer of BP Exploration and Production During the press conference on Tuesday. Drilling and a half to plug the leak of a possible effort by BP, the estimated cost of $ 100,000,000.

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