Wednesday, April 28, 2010

noah s ark found in turkey

noah s ark found in turky

An evangelical Christian group claims that the biblical Noah's Ark remains found in a Turkish hillside.Hong Kong-based Noah's Ark Ministries of Mount Ararat, "said the structure was found about 14-thousand 700 meters.Timber structure according to reports, the carbon-dated to reveal the 48-hundred years.The group says it will spend about the same time as the Biblical story of Noah's leading ship animals to save them from the devastating floods.Yueng Wing-Cheung, a documentary filmmaker, who accompanied the explorers say, and I quote: "It's not 100 percent, of the Noah's Ark, but I think it's 99.9 percent, it is."

Moses says, in the mountains where the ark came to rest was called Urartu, widely believe that Mount Ararat. But the archaeologists elsewhere expressed skepticism that we found a big old ship.Paul Zimansky, a Professor of Archaeology at Stony Brook University, said the usual route of archaeologists to publish a research paper nor the press release.Archaeologist at Cornell University, Peter Kuniholm, wanted to know that carbon dioxide was carried out from exactly. He also wanted more information about the summit showed a geological phenomenon of flooding.Kuniholm said, I quote: "There is not enough H2O in the world in a boat to get up high on a hill."

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