Thursday, April 22, 2010

mass save rebate

mass save rebate

Large Appliance Exchange storage, starting Thursday, offers the e-mail preferences rather than the old, inefficient appliances new, energy-efficient models. Retailers such as Ray's Appliance in Taunton, the program is expected to be increased sales, who have suffered because the economy went in a tailspin in late 2008. "It's a win-win," Worsley said Bob, who owns and manages the store. "You get an energy-efficient equipment and get back to a.

Worsley, expresses concern that not enough funding for the Pacific Exchange Appliance keep up with demand for the reimbursement program. Mass SAVE program, which is 6.2 million U.S. dollars in funding from the federal and Recovery Act again, offering discounts of up to $ 50 and $ 250 for appliances including refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers. Since funding is limited, the rebates should be distributed first come, first-served basis. "Last week, a lot of people start and coming in," said Worsley. "I'm just afraid they will, that the purchase and did not receive a discount." He advises customers to mail in the form as quickly as possible.Storage of a Statewide Energy Efficiency Programme, supported by various local and regional utility providers.

To get the discount, the consumer is entitled to purchase equipment for the participating retailers, customers of the old equipment back.Retailers will then provide the consumer with documentation that the old models, again under the conditions of the refund program.Massachusetts residents are entitled to a $ 200 discount from the refrigerator to get $ 50 for the freezer, washer $ 175 to $ 250 in the dishwasher. Each household is entitled to receive a rebate for each of the four product categories.Online purchases are not eligible for discounts.Dan Poirier, manager of the Sears Silver City Galleria, said that some customers had their eyes on the smart recovery program for several weeks or more.

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