Sunday, June 13, 2010



Algeria coach Rabah Saâdane engine is currently in the opening Group C encounter against a team competing in Slovenia on Sunday, but despite that, the next time the appointment was agreed to pull out his thoughts to share with Its costs in the hope that shines in the Peter Moka Stadium Polokwane, Saâdane shed light on the preparations for, and proud of Africa is the only coach in the league.The 64-year-old is one of the species for the 2010 FIFA World Cup ™ in South Africa, which is not the only African Ambassador tacticians, but the only Arab head of one of the 32 contestants. As expected, many expect that our "Le Cheikh '(The Sheik) can be achieved, and that can inspire the most beautiful stage in all of Algeria.

Although the teams by far the favorites section, Saâdane insists that the seal of the progress that the 16th Round "Our goal is clear," he said. "What is the best show ourselves, and left the scene, because it not only in Algeria but also in North Africa, Africa and the Arab world in general.""We have a huge responsibility, and this is the same for everyone, even young people on the site, to protect the colors of their home country for the first time this season. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. We provide our best all LL in the group stage match at the end we'll see where we stand and take stock. "

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