Thursday, June 24, 2010

asian carp

asian carp

Asian carp enter waterways via the Great Lakes Chicago, closer to the reality of the Asian carp as the Regional Coordinating Committee announced today that it is not invasive bighead carp in Lake Calumet, 6 miles from Lake Michigan caught.The fish was caught Tuesday to strengthen environmental repetitive DNA tests showed that the carp already cover the movement of an electric barrier to prevent the artificial channels linking the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system has been circumvented.Scientists agree that the regulators and the terrible threat of invasive fish in lakes, because of their size and voracious appetite for yield.Environmental groups throughout the Great Lakes are calling for swift action, as the carp swim headlong toward Lake Michigan, and even the federal officials and business interests have questioned the validity of advanced science, which shows the presence of invasive species.

In February, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it will not immediately shut down shipping locks near Chicago that link the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes, denying a request by Michigan that was aimed at keeping away invasive Asian carp.Today’s news brings a renewed call for more agile efforts to prevent the carp’s movement. Many organizations have called for hydrologic separation of the two systems to ensure the movement of the carp and other invasive species is stopped. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently said that a study of this solution will take five to seven years."A year of DNA testing has shown the Asian carp are in the Chicago waterways, and now we know they're a hop, skip and jump from Lake Michigan," said Joel Brammeier, president of the Alliance for the Great Lakes. "Invaders will stop at nothing short of bricks and mortar, and time is running short to get that protection in place."

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