Saturday, June 19, 2010

grandma s marathon

grandma s marathon

The grandmother Marathon 2010 Marsh Nelson Media Award was issued on Friday ...This year's award went to Dave Jensch, station manager and vice president of the Northlands newscenter.Grandma's Marathon race Jensch in thirty years.Spokesmen for the competition, say Jensch an important role in development and progress of the match.Jensch also helped pave the way for live television coverage of the running."If you ever tried to connect to a television event to a cell for 26.2 miles, this is a huge undertaking. Dave was one of the pioneers who helped us to Grandma's Marathon on the map as one of the first broadcast live coverage of an event, like this, "said Bob Gustafson, Grandma's Marathon.

Marsh Nelson Media Award to a representative of the media, every year has shown its commitment to the big race.The award is named after the former sports director of KDLH-TV, the late Nelson Marsh, who was particularly excited about the marathon.The Kenyan runner won the Grandma's Marathon.Philemon Kemboi won the marathon in Duluth, Minnesota, on Saturday, finishing 2 hours, 15 minutes, 44 seconds.Kenya won the Garry Björklund Half Marathon. Stephen completed an informal Muang 1 hour, 4 minutes and 24 seconds. Muang lives and trains in Farmington, NS.The women's half marathon, from Caroline Rotich 1 hour, 12 minutes and 40 seconds. Live in Santa Fe, NSAbout 7400 running in Grandma's Marathon, 26.2 miles of this year.

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