Saturday, June 12, 2010



Balatarin Rahesabz and only a few web pages of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against the protests to be developed. A recent news for Iranian activists organized demonstrations and information dissemination through online ..."Balatarin a community-based website that allows users to upload their favorite band. It addresses the audience from Iran. Although the links can be placed on the site for registered users only good part of that registration is completely free. There is a page name "recently published" a website that posted links to the new business.Balatarin is the spot to lead the protest against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Balatarin organized protests, activities and helped to disseminate information on the rest of the world what is happening in Iran. Balatarin also helped organize a rally in Los Angeles on June 12 to protest human rights violations in Iran. The rally in Los Angeles to coincide with the first anniversary of the disputed presidential election.

Balatarin also helped organize a rally in Los Angeles on June 12 to protest human rights violations in Iran. The rally in Los Angeles to coincide with the first anniversary of the disputed presidential election.Human rights and opposition activists are increasingly in the United States and other countries have called for Iran to provide filtering on the Internet. Many citizens increasingly began to mobile phones, cameras and other methods to reduce the violence in Iran and parts of the images in the rest of the world via the Internet conquest.This has led Iran to filter, and most of the site and the online activities prohibited. Balatarin leads from the front of the protest. Balatarin, the online portal for helping people to share links and pictures on the spot.

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