Monday, June 28, 2010

robert byrd

robert byrd

Robert Byrd is a long political career and was involved in such a huge development in the situation - particularly in civil rights - to those who write about it in the next few days will be able to live art in many different colors and shades.But the nature of memory, the thing that the officials took the time closer to death - because if these things - and ultimately the greatest impact on our memory is of their service. Byrd in the case, that's his strong opposition to granting President George W. Black Bush control of the war in Iraq will remember until the wages.

In my opinion, the greatest sin of the Bush administration was willing that the Democrats fear that weak-called war on terror to rush to a resolution to commit us to what was a long war, that does not prepare the country to use - which the government itself to appears to be no. I've never forgotten how Bush talked about the campaign in 2002, twisted and distorted views that Democrats (and Republicans brave call, former Rep. Jim Leach as), who insisted that the time to win with the Allies, still supporting the United Nations, weapons inspectors time to work, and not just the rush to war.Here is what Bush claimed that the questions of the war resolution, said: "I think I'll wait until the UN resolution." Bush continued: "It seems to me that if the United States represents, then the decision on what is best for the United States. If I can only do so, I'm not sure how I 'd explain to the American people - says," Vote me, and oh, the way a matter of national security, I will wait for someone else to act. "

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