Wednesday, June 30, 2010



The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved the sale of the first flying car.The Terrafugia designed by MIT engineers have received a fine, despite weighing 110 pounds more than the typical "light sport aircraft.''But the federal agency has decided that as long as the buyers were aware of the overweight, the hybrid may be for sale.Light sport aircraft to be flown only 20 hours for the pilots' licenses.The futuristic flying machines expected to hit the market in 2011 and sold about $ 200K.

Classified as Light Sport Aircraft, FAA Terrafugia special accommodation due to slow transition from the crowd. Tipping the balance of 1430 pounds, the transition is actually 110 pounds over the legal limit an LSA, but it was considered a flight-worthy, because the surplus is allocated to road safety, including airbags and crumple zones. Terrafugia wanted to transition to LSA format argue that the potential pilots flew only 20 hours to practice for an air permit.Powering the transition to a 100-hp Rotax 912S engine, which helps to propel the aircraft to a cruising speed 115 km / h. The 20-liter tank requires only regular-octane gasoline, leaded fuel and Terrafugia Transition says 30 mpg can be achieved by road. The full electronic instrumentation is also included, together with a parachute.

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