Tuesday, June 1, 2010

tipper gore

tipper gore

Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage, which is exported to the White House if the connection to a sunny counterpoint flirting presented President Bill Clinton.According to an e-mail sent to the workers of the couple on Tuesday, the Gores, said that "reciprocal and mutually supporting decisions we have made together after a long and careful process."Kale Kreider Gore spokesman confirmed the statement received by the Gores, but declined further comment.The Gores told friends:

"grown apart" after 40 years of marriage, and it was not the case at issue, the two close associates for years for friends and family, who spoke on condition of anonymity because it is a personal matter.
The Gores, who married on May 19, 1970, the National Cathedral in Washington, created an image as a happy married for over eight years, Vice-President in 1990 and a presidential candidate in 2000. The famous pair exchanged a long kiss at the 2000 Democratic presidential convention.The image of a hot band stood in stark contrast to the Clinton affair was a surprise marriage, Bill Clinton's White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, a scandal that hung over his own presidential campaign for Gore.

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