Saturday, May 22, 2010

andrew cuomo

andrew cuomo

Andrew M. New York, Cuomo announced that the governor's nomination on Saturday, saying only that he did not look at the New York state political scandal, but it can lead to shooting and paralyzing the financial crisis remake.In a direct confrontation with the legislature controlled by his own party, Mr Cuomo, a Democrat, said pressure lawmakers this autumn to determine the public key, or ethics to embrace change, including the publication of that outside the direct control of the reclassification of income tax an independent body and to submit to an external monitor ethics

"The State of New York was the government once a national model," said Mr. Cuomo, the filing of two video issued by his own campaign, and announced the planned downtown Manhattan. "Now, unfortunately, this is a national disgrace. Sometimes the corruption in Albany is Boss Tweed blush."Longer video of the two, and down to his philosophy of "fiscally prudent and socially progressive" and focused on his plans to the government to form and to curb legislative excesses. His plan includes a proposal to eliminate 20 percent of more than 1000 public bodies, authorities, commissions, etc., is part of an overall reorganization effort. He has already approached the former Vice President Al Gore, who is reinventing government efforts during the Clinton Presidency, to serve the reorganization of the Commission in New York.

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