Monday, May 10, 2010

steve nash eye injury

steve nash eye injury

Steve Nash played the game his eyes. Tyler Lockman of the Valley of the Sun compared with the appearance of Nash, Tim Duncan congratulates the elbow in the third quarter, the Sloth from The Goonies (stunning photographic evidence), and writes that "the pirate-like Nash as effective as the two eyes Nash ', which plays a role in nine of the past 10 Phoenix basket. The week off between this series and the West finals - the Lakers can sweep tonight - Nash should have sufficient time to heal.

Nash provides at least a day to raise awareness in the elbow LeBron, who suffered - along with the owner and the rest of his teammates - a 97-87 loss to the Celtics, who evened the series between the teams. A unique moment in the NBA, Rayon Rondo joined the elite, if somewhat random group. Rondo was, according to Brian Mahoney, Associated Press, the third player in playoff history to have at least 29 points, 18 rebounds and 13 assists. Wilt Chamberlain and Oscar Robertson were the first two members of the Club approved 29-18-13. But of course we all knew that. Rondo immediately after the game that the planned opening of Club Manhattan, 29-18-13. David Ortiz then announced that he was at the club with the same name, the opening of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

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