Tuesday, May 25, 2010

lindsay lohan ankle bracelet

lindsay lohan ankle bracelet

Lindsay Lohan, the judge ordered Monday to refrain from drinking and drugs (the kind of thinking everyone should be legally abstain from drugs, but whatever) and is equipped with an extra, it can no longer Kits - the alcohol-monitoring bracelet.The beleaguered Starlet has to undergo random drug and alcohol testing in education classes per week.

Had they not beaten a few of the classes - he has lost his passport in France before the scheduled hearing to discuss the progress - they probably could have been doing, well, what in the nightclubs every night.As it is, she could be thrown in jail for breach of his probation.7.6 trial were to determine that Lilo has not complied with her probation. If he misses her classes, she faces 180 days in jail, TMZ reported.

His lawyer unsuccessfully tried to convince the court that the ankle would "interfere with the work of" an upcoming film shoot in Texas, and they should be allowed to return to complete his remaining classes left.hat would be the final blow to her career as a former deputy, the judge decides, "We have to submit to random drug testing in Texas is not. I'm scared to go [film] of this delay."Until now, it is not difficult to judge the love Lilo learned anything. He insisted in an interview before the court appearance, "I do not understand why you should go to prison. For more than meets the justice system to do.

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