Thursday, May 20, 2010 website is a place to watch. pension Guarantee Corporation's website, and what is not a company that insured pension plans. If a company goes out of business or goes bankrupt, the pension is guaranteed by the PBGC, the PBGC will pay the pension, but the company.Part of the site dedicated to finding missing pension participants.

If a company is closed, the workers scatter and get busy finding a job is not always full of paperwork, and even received the necessary paperwork, claiming that the pensions. So if you or if you like the heir to a pension plan provided by the PBGC, could find an unreported money to you.Go / sec, and plug in your name or business name, or you can search by the government. Try variants of the name: maiden name, for example, or married names.Good luck finding a stray money!Companies are required to balance the accounts, that tradition is no longer active in a year or more to the state of the owner's last known address.

But you can also check sites for other countries, where they lived, or of an economic, in the case of BC Expand the opportunities, search the various versions of the name (including combinations with the first and middle initials), and common spelling errors.Derelict land held by states, including: checking and savings accounts, stocks, uncashed dividends or payroll checks, state tax refunds, traveler's checks, trust distributions, refunds or insurance, annuities, CDs, customer overpayments, utility, security deposits and the proceeds from auctioning the contents safe.

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