Wednesday, May 12, 2010

doris eaton travis

doris eaton travis

Doris Eaton was born on March 14, 1904, Norfolk, Virginia, was five when she made her first public action of "Love Dance", the routine could be repeated a century later.In 1911, he and his sisters Mary and Pearl hired a production-Maurice Maeterlinck play "The Blue Bird" in Washington. In 1916, the three external father, a newspaper Linotype operator deserves.

The brothers, the younger brother and his cousin Joe Avery plays it regularly. In his memoir, "The sun danced" (2003), Mrs. Travis said that the manufacturers knew that "if you need three or four more children, then we call them Mom and Eaton to get from one place."Eatons four in the Ziegfeld Follies and appeared on Broadway five, sometimes three or more simultaneously.Doris started a chorus girl and understudy to the star of the show. In 1919, wearing a red dress, and played the part of the pepper salad dance. In 1920, he was alone, with a touch of jazz.

He let himself in silent films, plays and musical revues, including the one in Hollywood was the Gorham Follies. She married the owner, Joseph Gorham who died six months later.In 1926 he joined the Hollywood Music Box Revue "sample after the Follies, but not so wonderful," said Interview Magazine in 1999. While visiting the show that she was in love with Nazi Herb Brown, the author, and Arthur Freed wrote: "Singing in the Rain" to the review. Mrs. Travis said that he was the first to sing the chorus around eight people.

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