Thursday, May 13, 2010

ascension thursday

ascension thursday

Ascension Day celebrates Jesus' ascension into heaven after having risen from the date of Easter. Ascension Day 40 Day after Easter always falls on Thursday (hence the other name Maundy Thursday). Ascension, name usually associated with the earthly departure of Jesus, Gospel, Mark (16) and Luke (24) and in Acts 1.1 to 11. This year's commemoration is one of the most important feasts in most Christian churches. "Forty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Acts of the Apostles records Jesus' ascension.

An important Christian festival celebrating the Assumption, and shows the reality of the God-man Jesus Christ to return to the Father, to return back to the future parousia. Ascension of the last part the paschal mystery, which is Jesus' suffering, crucifixion, death, burial, descent and death, and resurrection. together with the resurrection, the ascension was proof of the claim that Jesus is the Messiah. Ascension is also the case when the human race made in heaven. Finally, the climb was the "final battle", so to speak, against the power of Satan, and so the Lion (Jesus) to conquer the dragon (Satan), the symbol of ascension.

"The Christian doctrine of the Ascension, the fact that Jesus ascended to heaven in the presence of the eleven apostles hisresurrection the next, and he sits in heaven at the right hand of God the Father.Jesus died about 30th In a letter to the Romans (c. 1956-1957), [1] St. Paul describes Christ as in heaven, and the vortex [Rom. 10:5-7] The earliest Christian reference to Jesus in heaven. The most influential account of the Ascension, and the two-source hypothesisthe soon [2], the Acts of the Apostles [1:1-11], which has taken over the body of Jesus into heaven forty days after his resurrection as a witness of the apostles, after the prophecy of the Great Commission to return. The Gospel of Luke, of the Ascension on Easter Sunday evening.

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