Friday, May 14, 2010

sheri lynn davis

sheri lynn davis

Sheri Lynn Davis of the world's problems, and now the work. Davis, a teacher fired for beating students Isaiah Johnson in the presence of other students. The beating was caught on camera phone and the video made it online.Davis is in trouble not only for striking, and not only burned, but there were arrest warrants for arrest. The beating of Jamie's House Charter School in Houston, Texas.You want to find out more about Sheri Lynn Davis read, see the video, the teacher fired for hitting a student, and leave a comment about this ridiculous story over.

Now that the school responded, and Davis fired him work on Jaime's House Charter School, the school sued by the mother of Isaiah Johnson, the store is in the hands of a 13 year old teacher.It appears that the school does not conduct a background check prior to Davis's work through the school, issued an arrest warrant because he does not care for the criminal mischief charge was allegedly cut his wife's tires with a knife in another. He posted $ 1,000 bond on charges the day after the video appeared on the Internet.

Sheri Lynn Davis, a student may face assault charges. I suggest that the risk of prosecution is very high. Not every day read "Beating Student Teacher fired" the news. Davis, a student looking around anymore. This kind of behavior is totally appropriate and hopefully will also experience a stay in prison for actions. So, what do you think? They are certainly not winning the teacher of the year awards. These are my thoughts anyway.

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