Wednesday, May 26, 2010

bp oil spill live feed

bp oil spill live feed

BP executives made the announcement that the live feed cut to the top of the killing process, a press release Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.)According to, the press release that "BP Rep. Markey's office, the live feed for some time that it would end early Wednesday morning to inform and to be offline until after the attempt of the" top kill "full."

At some point today (Wednesday 26/05), we expected the BP oil spill in live feeds (<What BP engineers continue to try, beginning on Wednesday, the procedure is the so-called "top-Kill".This procedure is essentially similar to the strangulation death of the force feeding of heavy oil drilling mud and cement, which aims to plug source.CEO Tony Hayward, BP is a substantial likelihood of success in this case related to 60-70 percent.Kent Wells, a BP vice president warned that the engineers at high speed in a planning process, which is usually the month. He warned that the summit could be postponed or scuttled killed Tuesday when pressure is low according to

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