Tuesday, May 4, 2010

kent state massacre

kent state massacre

Kent State massacre was a 40-year ago.On 05/04/1970, Tuesday marks 40 years of land at Kent State University in Ohio, was the scene of a massive student protest against the Vietnam War ... one of many conducted in the United States at that time. This is particularly, although there had been a peaceful march, for some reason, the National Guard soldiers activated included, at one point opened fire on the demonstrators. The explosion, which allegedly lasted only 13 seconds. But the effect is catastrophic: the eight students were injured, one of which will be permanently disabled. And four were killed Allison Krause (19 years), William Schroeder (19), Jeffrey Miller (20) and Sandra Scheuer (20).

None of them had less than 90 meters from the front line of the National Guard firing time of the shooting, the fact that the official story that the shooting of self-doubt.The photo, which a student appears to Mary Vecchio screaming arms stretched beside him on the body of Jeffrey Miller was kneeling in front pages in many newspapers and Pulizer ultimately win the prize that year.Months later, an investigation by a special committee to investigate the incident, he decided that the contract was "unnecessary and completely unjustified."Finally, days before the massacre, the magazine's "life" on the cover of the May 15 edition of the image to the drama of the tragedy.

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